Thursday, April 21, 2011

Healthy Dessert? Yup.

...and I'm back!

It's been a while since my last post, reason being, I recently found out I am pregnant!! About 8 weeks at this point and feeling great. It's amazing what the body can do when it's healthy. We weren't even trying!

So the cool thing is, as I've said before, I won't become a garbage disposal just because I'm pregnant. I value my healthy diet even more now than before. I also want to instill healthy habits in my future child! One thing that has always helped me to do this is to have dessert after every meal.

Yes, that's right, dessert after every meal. I'm not talking about sugary, processed stuff that will send your blood sugar into a tizzy, pack on the pounds and keep you wanting more. I'm talking about nature's dessert-FRUIT! There are tastey, quick and inexpensive ways to curb your sweet tooth after a meal. Here's the first recipe of many on fruity desserts:

Sweet Strawberry Banana Smoothie

1/2 cup (ish) frozen strawberries

1 banana

1 Tbsp ground flaxseed

1/2 cup (ish) of almond milk (or any milk substitute you like)

Blend and enjoy! You will need to add ice if you use fresh strawberries.

And note, there is no cholesterol, very little fat and tons of calcium (from the almonds), omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in this dessert. Can your ice cream, cake or cookies do the same? I think not!!

Just give it a try! :)

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing what the body can do when it's healthy. We weren't even trying!healthy desserts
