We get and give a ton of information on what NOT to eat but that then begs the question:
Good question and if you haven't read Michael Pollan's "The Omnivore's Dilemma," I highly recommend it because he explores just that question. In the meantime, I can help steer you onto a healthier path because, after all, eating for me is about all the things I CAN enjoy, never about the things I can't. That's where fad diets fail! How about finding a happy, healthy way to live your life without the stress, expense and roller coaster rides in between diet binges? Yes.
Let's plan a week of breakfasts first. Please deviate as you see fit or as you need to but this will give you a good idea of how to eat healthy without breaking the bank! I'll explain a little bit as to why I've chosen the foods I'm about to list, but for more detailed information please see "The Basics" section of my blog. I detail all the good stuff there!
Monday-oatmeal with berries (either frozen or fresh), ground flaxseed and raw walnut pieces
How to:
All you need to do is measure out 1/2 cup of oats to 1 cup of boiling water. Mix well, add the other stuff and let sit until the water is absorbed. Done! Try not to add milk (unless it's dairy-free) or sugar to this. By keeping those things out, you will save on calories, potienially harmful animal proteins and refined ingredients that will leaving you feeling hungry and tired.
The reasons:
Oats (no matter how they are cut, as long as you don't buy them in a bag prepackaged with seasonings) are a whole grain that stabilizes blood sugar and provides long lasting energy throughout the day. It's packed with fiber so you feel full fast and it helps you to absorb all the great nutrients.
By adding fruit to your oatmeal you are adding powerful antioxidants that will help get rid of all the bad stuff (or "free radicals") floating around in your system. They will also provide you with vitamins, minerals and natural sugars to curb your sweet tooth!
The flaxseed and walnuts are key to providing you with essential omega-3 fatty acids that we don't make in our bodies (that's why they're called essential). We need these to keep things moving in our body, to help with brain function and cell repair, among other things. Many people get these from supplements and/or fish oil. In my opinion, this a better, healthier, tastier, cheaper way.
This breakfast will cost you about $.50 to $1 to make. It's fast too!

Tuesday-Vegan French Toast with Fruit
How to:
Get your favorite Whole Wheat Bread (hint, check the ingredient label because there are a lot of breads out there that pretend to be whole wheat and are in fact not. The first ingredient should say "Whole Wheat Flour" and no other variation.). Then in a bowl mix one ripe banana with some almond milk (or whatever milk alternative you like), tsp of vanilla extract and a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg. Preheat a griddle or non-stick pan. Spray with cooking spray. Dip bread into banana mixture and put on hot griddle at medium-high heat. Cook for about 4 minutes and flip. Do the same on this side. Serve! I usually just cut up a bunch of fruit to pour over it. It's easiest to make a nice fruit salad on shopping day to use throughout the week. Again, no sugars, syrups or butters to keep it light and healthy.
The reasons:
Same as above! Also, by omitting eggs you save on cholesterol! The amount of cholesterol in our body is directly depending on how much cholesterol we take in. Cholesterol only exists in animals and animal products. Therefore, if you cut these things out or minimize them-you can drop your cholesterol fast and healthfully. Simple!

Wednesday-Whole Wheat Bagel with Hummus and Veggies
How to:
Just get a great Whole Wheat Bagel and toast it. Then get your favorite hummus (oil-free if you can because this will save you on calories and fat) and spread it on top. Next add some of your favorite veggies. I find sliced tomatoes, sprouts and fresh ground black pepper work well here. Enjoy!
The reasons:
Again same as above. Notice there is no cholesterol (as long as you have vegan bagels), very little fat, good calories and carbs (we need carbs-that a whole different blog post, stay tuned!), and veggies! Talk about nutrient dense! Beans are your best friend too because like whole grains they stabilize blood sugar, provide long-lasting energy AND also, beans are packed with protein, calcium and other nutrients. Enjoy these a bunch! (About two weeks after you amp up your bean intake your ahem, side effects should subside).
Thursday-Oatmeal again or if you are feeling up to it a Breakfast Burrito
How to:
You already know the deal with oatmeal. A breakfast burrito is just as easy, well almost. Get frozen hash browns at the store, ones that just have potatoes, a lil salt and citric acid in the ingredients. Then follow the directions on how to cook them. Usually you just throw them in the oven for a few. As that's happening, pull out some black beans, a tomato, an avocado, some hummus or salsa and a lime. Throw all ingredients in a tortilla and enjoy!
The reasons:
This burrito offers a hearty breakfast and a nice alternative to your routine. It also is super flavorful without the unhealthy fats and cholesterol. A huge win!
Friday-Super Smoothie with Whole Wheat Toast
How to:
Smoothies are actually super easy, nutritious and a great way to use up your ingredients in the fridge. If you're a person who doesn't like salads I suggest you try a green smoothie in the morning. Just blend 1/2 cup fresh spinach, 1/2 cup almond milk, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries and ground flaxseed. It sounds gross but you can't taste the spinach! Or if you want a fruitier smoothie just blend 1 orange, 1 banana, some almond milk and some berries. Yum! For your Whole Wheat Toast-just toast it and add some jelly without high fructose corn syrup or spread some dates that you've soaked overnight and smushed. Either is great.
The reasons:
Same as above. You get the drift. Green smoothies are a must for folks who don't eat salads or veggies regularly and are also great for folks who get sick of the afternoon salad. Try various fruits and veggies for added flavors and impactful nutrient punches!

Saturday-Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich with Fruit Salad
How to:
Spread some peanut butter (without oil or added sugar) on your favorite Whole Wheat bread, then add sliced banana. Add some cinnamon for added flavor. Serve with a side of fruit salad. Yum!
The reasons:
Same as above. Nuts also are packed with fiber, calcium, protein and other nutrients to fill you up, give you energy and help you fight disease. Get in the habit of eating nuts everyday.
Sunday-Oatmeal, Burrito or any other options you can think of
How to:
Sundays are a great day to experiment with your own recipes, try new things or stick to an easy plan. Have fun here!
The reasons:
You had a great week of healthy breakfasts. Celebrate your success and commend yourself. Enjoy how you feel. Keep working at it and if you cheat or have a setback, recognize it and move on. We are not perfect. Instead of trying to be with your diet-foster a healthy relationship with food. It makes things a lot more enjoyable and a heck of a lot easier!
Stay tuned for future healthy lunches, snacks and dinners!